Sunday, October 9, 2011

Post Existential Visions By Suddenjim

Artist Statement:
I am an avid, amateur photographer who resides in Texas, just south of Houston. I’m not necessarily attuned to a particular style or genre as yet, there are just so many things I’m learning and enjoying and see no reason to limit myself.

I begin taking photography seriously about 4 years ago and from what I can tell from a personal review of my work have advanced my abilities on an on-going basis.  I’ve done this through discussions with other photographers, observing other’s efforts and creations, trial and error and reading, reading and reading. I truly believe my association with Redbubble was the turning point in my creative, artistic and photographic progression.
To me photography is an opportunity to not only express my creative desires but more importantly a vehicle for self-discovery and expression. There is so much to see if one only takes the moment to look, so much to learn if one is willing to let go and explore. I suppose my quest is to bring what is on the inside in concert with what is on the outside.

The works in this gallery are in some ways a reflection of my attempt to reconcile what I see with what I feel in a purely artistic manner.  Some images are pure speculation and a result of some spontaneous blink in time. Others are merely an attempt to please the viewer and solicit some connection them and my efforts. I will let the view decide which is which.

The majority of my work has been taken with a Canon 550D. I typically use Adobe CS3 and PaintShop Pro X3, and on occasion use Picasa to tweak here and there. All depends on what I’m trying to portray as to what I will use.

A sincere appreciation to Strawberries, Ellamental, Glitterfest and Jessica for selecting my works for exhibition on RB.